
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Why Kids Need Play

I had an awesome conversation this morning with a veteran educator. Science is being ignored, in more places than the white house. Children as young as 4 & 5 are being expected to possess academic skills that are developmentally premature to meet unrealistic standards set by policymakers who are ignoring hard research about how we learn.

Let kids play... preferably outside.... A LOT... then let me and my friends teach mindfulness in ALL schools... and watch the world change in one generation.

Excerpt from the article "Why Children Need Play"

"Most primary school teachers would probably agree that they don't expect kindergartners to enter first grade with a complete mastery of spelling or addition. After all, it is in the early elementary grades when children learn these academic competencies. However, teachers of entering school-agers do hope that the children who come into their classrooms can concentrate, pay attention, and be considerate of others. These areas are developed not by using flashcards or computer programs, but through interacting with peers during play."

Read the full article on, "Why Children Need Play".