
Friday, June 23, 2017

Trying Something New

I tried something new today with my kids....surfing. It was an awesome experience filled with excitement, fear, exhaustion, fun, humility, and ultimately....pure joy.....even while the ocean tossed me off my board like a pebble on the ocean floor.

Being a beginner at anything comes with some leeway. We allow beginners to make mistakes because we know they are unfamiliar with an experience. Why don't we be kinder to ourselves in this way, even when we have done something many many times?

Allowing yourself to be a beginner is something I teach OFTEN in meditation class as we are always offered a new moment to start again....and again....and again.

Allow yourself to be a novice in life. Be kind to yourself as you make rookie mistakes while experiencing the most remedial and common daily tasks.....and always.....always get back on your board and try again. One❤️️, and thanks to Anderson's Surf Camp for a great morning.