
Saturday, April 29, 2017

How to Avoid A Poorly Designed School Mindfulness Program

The article "How to avoid a poorly designed school Mindfulness program" was recently published in Mindful Magazine and on

The article is a great read. PLUS....I CAN HELP!
I work with schools and implementing mindfulness programs.

The article by Jamie Bristow mentions that even with good intentions, school programs can be implemented incorrectly. Having experience in the school system the authors provides some suggestions on how to avoid having a poorly-designed mindfulness school program.

  1. Know the difference between focussed awareness and mindful awareness 
  2. Put on your own oxygen mask first
  3. Avoid ‘top-down’ implementation 
  4. Get buy-in at every level

You can read the full article  published on
Or contact me for information in the New Jersey school systems.